
我看到国外的一篇宠物杂志上的文章,觉得很不错,可以给刚刚饲养小狗的人借鉴一下,大家共同学习呀。以下是英文的,有空再把中文补上。大家要顶顶呀。Puppy PrimerFirst steps in communication.When someone calls youe name, you probably look in their direction. One of the most basic communication skills you can teach a dog is to do the same. When you say :Rover", you are really saying,"look at me for further instrution."Start with simply saying your puppy's name and giving a reward-food, pats and praise-if the puppy looks at you. If the puppy says no attention, hold a tiny pie



Puppy Primer
First steps in communication.
When someone calls youe name, you probably look in their direction. One of the most basic communication skills you can teach a dog is to do the same. When you say :Rover”, you are really saying,“look at me for further instrution.”
Start with simply saying your puppy’s name and giving a reward-food, pats and praise-if the puppy looks at you. If the puppy says no attention, hold a tiny piece of food in front of the puppy’s nose,then move your hand away until you are holding the food up to your face. Your pup will follow the food with his eyes and in the process look at you . Praise and reward as above. Do this five time, then wait a few seconds and try saying your pup’s name. If you get eay a contact, praise first…wait…then treat. Don’t praise while your are giving the treat because you are then praising for eating ,which is, to say the least, unnecessary.

当有人喊你名字的时候,你总会朝声音的方向看去。这也是你训练一只狗的最重要的交流技巧之一。 当你说:“ROVER”,你确实的意思是“看着我等我的指令”。
开始可以简单的叫你狗狗的名字,如果狗狗看着你的时候可以给他奖励的食物,抚摸和称赞。如果狗狗没有注意你,你可以拿一块小的食物放在狗狗的鼻子的前方,然后移动到你的脸旁。你的狗狗会一直跟着食物直到看着你的眼睛。称赞和奖励如果他做到的话。 连续做5次。停止一些时候再试图叫你狗狗的名字。狗狗做到看着你的话,再奖励和称赞。不要在让他吃奖励食物的时候给他称赞,这是不必的。

With a food treat or toy held in your hand(palm up),hold your hand close to your pup’s nose and move it back, over his head. as the puppy follows the treat with his nose will lift and his butt will lower to the ground. If your pupy jumps up,keep the treat. A reward will reinforce any behaviour, so never give a treat for wrong behaviour. Be patient, in the begining, your puppy does not know waht the word” Sit” means. You could as easily teach the dog this position by saying souvlaski-it is all Greek to the dog.



Once you have a sit , it is easy to lure your puppy into a Down.Just hold the food treat in you hand(palm down) close to the puppy’s nose. Now move your hand straight down between the pupp’s front feet. Most puppies will follow the treat and sprawl into a Down very easily. If your pup’s butt keeps popping up, you can try luring the puppy under something like your bant knee or a chair spindle.(You could also change the command and call it”Take a Bow”,and reward the instead)

一旦你知道如何训练坐,那就很容易引诱你狗狗如何趴下。拿着奖励的食物放在手里(手掌朝下)靠近狗狗的鼻子,笔直向下移动到狗狗2只前腿之间。大多数的狗狗会很容易地跟着食物四肢伸开。 如果你狗狗的屁股依然向上,你可试着用膝盖压或着让狗狗钻在椅子下时在引诱。(你也可以改变命令如“鞠躬”,然后奖励)。

This is an often-neglected, but very useful command.For years people have been teaching their puppies to sit automatically whenever they stop while out on the walk. I got tired of cleaning slush and mud off my dog’s behinds and taught them to stand instead. The stand comes in handy at the vet’s o
